at a secondary art school, followed up between 1971 an 1975 by studies at the College of Industrial Design, in the engraving and illustration classes of Jiri Trnka and Zdenek Sklenar.
Currently lives in Prague, illustrates books for local publishers. In addition to that he creates artistic prints, with special focus on etching and aquatint techniques. Has shown his works at several exhibitions, taking part in international shows and competitions, particulary in the fields of ex-libris and small-scale engravings.
* Preis Generale Bank, Ex-libris Wettbewerbs 1983, Sint-Niklaas
* 3rd prize, Nancy International Competition, October 1986
* 2nd prize, Ex-libris Competition, Ceuteris-Graphia, Leuwn, Belgium, 1986
* Preis Vriendenkring oud Atheneumstudenten Sint Niklaas, Belgie, 1993
ARTICLES in reviews and other publications abroad:
* Ex-libris Kunstler VII, Weimar, 1984, pp. 242-244
* Graphia review (Belgium), 1986/3, pp.287-291
* Sommets de l`art contemporain des ex-libris en Europe, Bruxelles 1997